Week 1 Ch1-8

Viji knows that some aspects of her life will be so much harder
 if she runs away with Rukku, but she proceeds with her decision anyway?  Why?

Also, consider...
How does the author, Padma Venkatraman, 
develop  her characters to convey the meaning of the story? 


  1. Viji knows that it is the best way to stay safe. With her father an alcoholic abusive man, and her mother not willing to leave his side. She knows that she can't stay safe there, for the sake of Rukku and herself.

  2. Viji knows that her life would be harder if she travels with Rukku, but she still proceeds because she wanted to keep themselves away from their father. She even wants to keep her safe, even though they were through bad stuff, like the creepy bus driver because he wanted to steal them.


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